I tried to add Lucy J hayner (1898-1971) longtime director of the undergraduate lab at Columbia and author of THE PERSISTENCE OF THE RADIATION EXCITED IN MERCURY VAPOR, thesis "Shot Effect of Secondary Electron Currents" (PHYSICS VI, Oct. 1935) "Shot Effect of Secondary Electorns from Nickel and Beryllium" (THE PHYSICAL REVIEW, LII, Nov. 1, 1937).
Name: | Robert Ehrlich |
Email: | rehrlich@udel.edu |
At: | ppp-as36-27.nss.udel.edu ( |
Sat May 25 17:22:27 PDT 2002 |
Hello. My name is Iris Monica Vargas and I am a physics student at the University of Puerto Rico.I plan on beginning my masters degree in Physics this August 2002.I would like to contact Dr. Vera Rubin if possible. It must be possible, everything is.The reason is because I feel lost.Sometimes I just want to give up although I love physics. But I really don't know what to do. I would like to find my own small niche in the world of physics and I often feel pressured, both for being a woman and for being non traditional in the kind of academic decisions that I've taken so far. I pursued a doble bachelor in Physics and also Biology. But I go crazy about art, like writing poetry and acting and painting, playing the piano, singing, ect. I am not traditional, I think. I want to fing my space. I still can;t see it. I find everything interesting. But I specially love astronomy and medical physics subjects.I desperately need orientation. Please, help. Email: iris_monica_v@hotmail.com
Name: | Iris Monica Vargas |
Email: | iris_monica_v@hotmail.com |
At: | bcnlab3.cnnet.clu.edu ( |
Fri May 3 13:23:58 PDT 2002 |
GREAT WEB SITE u helped me soo much with my project for school thanks I loved the info
Name: | melissa |
Email: | soccermmi4@aol.com |
At: | spider-mtc-tj044.proxy.aol.com ( |
Mon Apr 22 13:18:46 PDT 2002 |
Bonjour Cécile, ton cousin Philippe Grouls est entré en contact avec Patrice Morette-Bourny, lequel faisait des recherche généalogiques sur Internet. Il m'a communiqué tes coordonnées et je suis très heureux de pouvoir t'envoyer ce petit bonjour de la France. La dernière fois que je t'ai vu c'était dans les Pyrénées .... Je sais que tu as longtemps correspondu avec ma soeur Colette qui est malheureusement décédée depuis quelque années, par contre Denise vit toujours à Paris. J'ai été sur ton site Internet et j'ai été très impressionné par ton parcours, félicitations. En ce qui me concerne, après avoir été ingénieur en électronique à la CSF puis dans une filiale de Corning-glass,,j'ai pris ma retraite dans les Deux-Sèvres et je milite pour la défense de l' environnent.J'ai créé une association qui est maintenant agréée par l'état et qui m'occupe beaucoup (trop me dit mon épouse que tu as connu à Paris). Sur mes 3 enfants, les 2 garçons Jean et Dominique vivent en région Parisienne et Sophie dans l'île de la Réunion. J'ai 3 petits enfants (par Dominique), ce sont des enfants dit "Précoces",il doit rester quelque gènes Morette dans ma descendance. Il parait que tu dois venir cet été à Pornic.J'espère bien pouvoir te revoir. Sur ces paroles d'espoir je t'embrasse. Philippe Groul
Name: | Philippe GROULS |
Email: | Grouls-Philippe@wanadoo.fr |
At: | mix-poitiers-112-1-85.abo.wanadoo.fr ( |
Sun Mar 31 07:59:11 PST 2002 |
It would be good to post details of all women scientists in the database, even though not fully processed. Any chance of that happening?
Name: | John Woodruff |
Email: | john@editserve.co.uk |
At: | cache-bas-hsi.cableinet.co.uk ( |
Mon Mar 25 08:15:32 PST 2002 |
I am doing this report in science class about Maria Goeppert-Mayer. I have been looking for some information for her and i am finding alot of it too. Well got to go, Buh~!~Bye, Alicia Jine
Name: | Alicia Jines |
Email: | fly_gurl_89@hotmail.com |
At: | ppp118-209.blf.ssi-pci.net ( |
Sun Mar 24 15:08:13 PST 2002 |
mr Ehrenfest had killed himself for a reason i try to understand since some years...my idea about his suicide is, maybe,he had discovered something very,very important for humanity in science,but he founded nobody to believe him,and to ear him... If someone can to find something,tell me please.Sorry for my english not perfect.
Name: | searchman |
Email: | hmz@ifrance.com |
At: | 125-8-118-80.kaptech.net ( |
Tue Mar 19 10:19:52 PST 2002 |
Email: | MANDERZ21987 |
At: | user-14.danville.k12.il.us ( |
Tue Mar 19 10:08:21 PST 2002 |
Why don't you put stuff of MYRA ADELE LOGAN a really need information about her. DO YOU NOW ANOTHER WEBSITE THE COULD HAVE STUFF ABOUT HER.THANK YOU
Name: | Jasmin |
Email: | JasminF15@aol.com |
At: | spider-tq014.proxy.aol.com ( |
Sun Mar 17 11:38:06 PST 2002 |
i can not find no pictures of a black scientist be the name Rebacca J. Cole and i really need a picture of her because im doing a project on black african and american scientist and i need a picture of her because i already have some information but i need a picture
Name: | wanda |
Email: | wi_rosa@hotmail.com |
At: | proxy.glts.tec.ma.us ( |
Mon Mar 4 06:48:30 PST 2002 |
I am a high school teacher teaching at the moment physics and human anatomy.I have read Fay Ajzenberg's autobiography.I would very much like to get in touch with her.I am working on a doctorate degree in science at the University of Puerto Rico and for my future thesis I would like to write about women in physics.I am also interested in getting some great advice from her to better my teaching methods.Please let me know how I can get in touch with this women who has inspired me.Thank you, Yvonne Bonilla.
Name: | Yvonne Bonilla |
Email: | yvonne00927@yahoo.com |
At: | ( |
Sun Mar 3 14:43:16 PST 2002 |
Rosalyn S. Yalow made many contributions throught history that made the world of science part of what it is today. She's a great role model, not only students and adults that like science or the things she studied, but to other students also. She never gave up, and always had a positive attitude. She never put others down, and always was ready for whatever came. She won numerous awards for her work, discoveries and contributions, but to me it seems at times she wasn't let know the hpw grateful we were for her and her dicoveries. Rosalyn is NOT just another scientist, she's a women that never gives up, and doesn't do her work for herself but for others. She doesn't make new discoveries just for the awards ahe does it for us, the people, and i think that we shgould really appreciate and be grateful for that!
Name: | Briana S. Vander Wege |
Email: | slugbug89@chartermi.net |
At: | ( |
Thu Feb 28 14:53:37 PST 2002 |
I am a (female)British science teacher preparing 17 -18 year old students for a public examination in General Studies, which has a science component. As part of the course of study students have to consider the male domination of Western science and your archive has been an invaluable resource for me and my students when we consider what has happened to the likes of great but relatively unacclaimed scientists such as Ellen Gleditsch, Dorothy Hodgkin and Jocelyn Bell Burnell. Thank you very much.
Name: | Jane Taylor |
Email: | janetaylor.wormald@virgin.net |
At: | ( |
Mon Feb 25 14:49:17 PST 2002 |
I am a (female)British science teacher preparing 17 -18 year old students for a public examination in General Studies, which has a science component. As part of the course of study students have to consider the male domination of Western science and your archive has been an invaluable resource for me and my students when we consider what has happened to the likes of great but relatively unacclaimed scientists such as Ellen Gleditsch, Dorothy Hodgkin and Jocelyn Bell Burnell. Thank you very much.
Name: | Jane Taylor |
Email: | janetaylor.wormald@virgin.net |
At: | ( |
Mon Feb 25 14:49:17 PST 2002 |
i relly like this siet becuse it has a lot too offer good work keep up the the work and i will come back to this seit oftin and look for more ifrorematino.about 20 centry whomen.and the jobs thy did and where they worked and how many chlrdein they had and if there mothers were teachers in the school .and if they had to work long hoser and if they where poore famalys liveing in the towns and cictys. will got to go now.from michelle zuethoff.
Name: | michelle zuethoff |
Email: | zuethoff@ns.sympatico.ca |
At: | nat43.197.mpoweredpc.net ( |
Wed Feb 20 15:44:45 PST 2002 |
Grettings, I am a teacher who is creating a calendar of events. I understand Dr. Burnell discovered pulsars in 1968, but do you have a date for that discovery or announcement? I would like to include her accomplishments, and would like to be accurate in my information. Thanks!
Name: | Marilyn Sidebotham |
Email: | mside@juno.com |
At: | 1cust198.tnt3.owosso.mi.da.uu.net ( |
Sat Feb 2 20:26:05 PST 2002 |
I wish I could write to somebady and tell her or him something that I could see lots of special matter in the air ,sometime they pass by the Sun,sometime the pass in from in front of my eyes,and they don't picture in the mirror ,I am from China,I wait for your answer.
Name: | xiul |
Email: | xiul01@yahoo.com.cn |
At: | ( |
Fri Feb 1 01:44:37 PST 2002 |
RE: DeWitt-Morette, Cecile On your page you should list DeWitt-Morette, Cecile also under the heading Mathematical Physics as well as under Education and the Profession where you now correctly have listed her. She is widely admired in both fields as your detailed citation for her indicates.
Name: | Charles W Misner |
Email: | misner@physics.umd.edu |
At: | cisco-pvc-golm.rz-berlin.mpg.de ( |
Thu Jan 31 01:36:18 PST 2002 |
This site is very helpful and informative and it rules!!!:}
Name: | Sally |
Email: | Angelbaby7@aol.com |
At: | s20-223.centennial.k12.mn.us ( |
Tue Jan 29 10:59:43 PST 2002 |
Oh my! I took a chance on this, not expecting to get results. Melba Phillips was my professor at the University of Chicago in 1962-66. I'd gone to UC thinking I'd be a math major, but coming from a small town high school in AZ, I didn't make it into any of the advanced classes and ended up in Miss (that's how we referred to faculty--Mr. or Miss) PHillips's PHysics for non-science majors class. I was awed and decided to switch my major to Physics. It was not to be and I ended up with a Bachelor's in Sociology. But I remained close to Dr. PHillips throughout those 4 years. She told my mother when I graduated that I should go into teaching. That this was my "destiny". I, of course, didn't think that was the case. At All! I entered the the U of AZ and received an MA in Math. During my graduate studies, I became a graduate teaching assistant and fell in love with teaching. After I graduated, I was not fortunate enough to find a community college teaching position (I had a secondary teaching certificate but THAT was out of the question! Student teaching showed me the light there.)... After my first son was born, I began parttime teaching at the Maricopa Community Colleges in Phoenix, AZ. In 1980, we moved to Alaska. Teaching fell by the wayside until we returned to the Phoenix area in 1989. Since about 1996, I've been an adjunct faculty with the Maricopa Commmunity Colleges again. I teach math and yoga. I have 3 years and I can retire from the City of PHoenix where I'm a deputy director over the enterprise providers for electronic messaging and office automation services throughout the organization. I cannot wait to be able to teach...and teach...and teach...I just wanted to let Miss Phillips know that I think of her very often. I had no idea how to let her know. I hope this does. Thank you so very very much, Miss Phillips. I hope you are well and safe. Someone from your distant past thinks of you with great fondness. Jeannie Arizona Greenbaum Miller
Name: | Jeannie Arizona Greenbaum Miller |
Email: | jeannie.miller@phoenix.gov |
At: | phnxdslgw19poola123.phnx.uswest.net ( |
Sun Jan 27 19:11:06 PST 2002 |
Bravo! This is by far the greatest monument to women of science. Thank you all for the wonderful tour. Keep up the exceptional work!
Name: | L.Meier |
Email: | lmeier@ucla.edu |
At: | lsanca1-ar19-246-132.vz.dsl.gtei.net ( |
Fri Jan 25 20:40:16 PST 2002 |
I would appreciate to know more about 'Liquid Carbon' its properties and known applications. Best regard
Name: | Dunstan Peiris |
Email: | peirisdh@singnet.com.sg |
At: | uranus.singnet.com.sg ( |
Tue Jan 1 00:31:00 PST 2002 |
Hi! Happy holidays! This is wonderful information. Our good friend, Dorothy Woolum received her doctorate in physics from Washington University in the late 1960's. I think that she was the first female to graduate from that program. At any rate, I will consult your website in the future, and recommend it to students. Thank you so much. Donald J. Mandell Prof. and Research Scientist Columbia U./NYSPI Unit 43 1051 Riverside Drive New York, NY 10032 e-mail: mandell@child.cpmc.columbia.edu
Name: | Donald J. Mandell |
Email: | mandell@child.cpmc.columbia.ed |
At: | pio1312nelson1.cpmc.columbia.edu ( |
Fri Dec 28 09:57:36 PST 2001 |
I hope I'm related. Jerry L. Hinkley Department of Biology College Of Lake County Grayslake, IL 60030
Name: | Jerry L. Hinkley |
Email: | jhinkley@clc.cc.il.us |
At: | ( |
Tue Dec 11 12:21:15 PST 2001 |
Thank you for providing such fascinating information about my ancestors... Paul Ehrenfest was my great-uncle (his older brother, Hugo, was my great-grandfather). Bravo to Tatyana! My grandmother, Ellen Ehrenfest Richman (1905-1997), also met with great prejudice as a female in the sciences. She completed all the work required for a Ph.D. at Washington University in St. Louis (including a dissertation) only to be told the institution would not grant such a degree to a female. She accepted her fate and continued to do research and teach at the University until she retired. It would be interesting to know what became of her dissertation work...she worked under Barry Commoner. Ellen Richman, Ph.D. (I dedicated my dissertation to the first ER) ERSEARCH@HOME.COM
Name: | Ellen Richman |
Email: | ersearch@home.com |
At: | c1487993-a.clmba1.mo.home.com ( |
Sun Dec 2 10:02:54 PST 2001 |
hello. i am from iran and i want to like you. i want to a good phsic man. waht am i should to do? read books? waht book? plz help me thank you. I LOVE PHYSICS...
Name: | javid |
Email: | borje_moraghebat@yahoo.com |
At: | ( |
Sat Dec 1 06:01:58 PST 2001 |
If you E-mail me information that would be great.
Name: | Deanna Mercado |
Email: | Janelmerc@msn.com |
At: | pix146-111.bciu.k12.pa.us ( |
Fri Nov 30 10:30:11 PST 2001 |
When I grow up I want to be someone who discorvers stuff and wright about them.
Name: | Deanna Mercado |
Email: | Janelmerc@msn.com |
At: | pix146-111.bciu.k12.pa.us ( |
Fri Nov 30 10:28:52 PST 2001 |
I am doing a report on Leavitt I need lot's of information. from, Deanna
Name: | Deanna Mercado |
Email: | Janelmerc@msn.com |
At: | pix146-111.bciu.k12.pa.us ( |
Fri Nov 30 10:25:43 PST 2001 |
I'm pleased to find this site and certainly hope that readers will contribute additional entries and information. Last year we had a graduate student who was seeking names of owmen who had made contributions to fluid dynamics—she came up with zero! I was delighted to see your category of women in fluid dynamice, but when I clicked on it, a kept getting an error message on the screen. Can you please send me this information directly as well as correct your page? Congratulations on a well done web page that serves an important need. Best wishes, Mary Pavone Director, Women in Science Project Dartmouth College mary.pavone@dartmouth.edu
Name: | mary pavone |
Email: | mary.pavone@dartmouth.edu |
At: | thayer67-bp-235.thayer.dartmouth.edu ( |
Mon Nov 26 10:53:28 PST 2001 |
you should have the scientist`s e-mails ..obviously only the ones that are still living and that have a computer
Name: | Janelle |
Email: | JELL88@AOL.COM |
At: | spider-wc074.proxy.aol.com ( |
Wed Nov 14 15:28:58 PST 2001 |
it's all a bit confusing. Try and include the main facts - like you would if you were doina factfile on em. U dont have to consider this. I am quite young - 13 - it might just be me. I am visiting for a school project on female scientists.
Name: | zoe |
Email: | zoeebb1@aol.com |
At: | spider-loh-ta082.proxy.aol.com ( |
Fri Nov 9 13:59:33 PST 2001 |
i wish they had put her birthday,and her parents cuase i needed it for a school project,oh well.
Name: | rachel |
Email: | Racquel42@yahoo.com |
At: | spider-wn051.proxy.aol.com ( |
Tue Nov 6 15:21:27 PST 2001 |
thank you for the information on this website. it was very interesting and helpful to me in my quest to learn more about harriet brooks, whom i admire as a canadian and a female pioneer in nuclear physics.
Name: | nicole webb |
Email: | NWebb@scs.sk.ca |
At: | h24-66-243-50.ss.shawcable.net ( |
Mon Nov 5 19:31:39 PST 2001 |
i would like to know about the professora milla baldo thanks for all professor nivaldo baldo campinas sp brasil email- baldo52@terra.com.br
Name: | prof nivaldo baldo |
Email: | baldo52@terra.com.br |
At: | 200-168-176-148.dsl.telesp.net.br ( |
Fri Nov 2 13:11:12 PST 2001 |
This women is ok but i want to know more about this person i want to know more about her she sounds good i want to know more for school sic class please email me more abou0t here my email is chrissy_crites@hotmail.com am 14 teen ok
Name: | chrissy crites |
Email: | chrissy_crites@hotmail.com |
At: | ( |
Thu Nov 1 09:15:45 PST 2001 |
To: Dr. Vera Rubin From: J Raymond Redbourne Re: Star Orbital Velocities and Dark Matter Oct 23/01 Dear Dr. Rubin. I have seen some of your work on the unexpected orbital velocities curve of stars in spiral galaxies and the posited Dark Matter answer. This assumes that gravity force is radiated from matter and the force decreases as the Newtonian Law, the same as light radiating from a lightbulb. However, the mechanism that generates gravity force has never been identified, and Newton is said to have avoided the tern "attractive" for that reason. I have a simple alternative, if you are interested. It is based upon my having invalidated both the Michelson-Morley Aether Wind Experiment of 1887, and the Non-Skewed Light Waves Experiment as well. These are the only two indicators in all of theoretical physics history that the aether does not exist, and they are both fatally flawed. If I assume the aether does exist, and that the ball of aether that is the universe is finite in extent, it gives all e-m waves the opportunity to wave disperse to the fundamental resonant frequency of the taut-elastic aether fabric. All matter absorbs e-m waves, and e-m waves have been shown to push matter, in numerous experiments. Then two bodies in space mutually shading each other from Ultra-Low Frequency Power Waves, are pushed together. And the shading effect follows at least two different curves from radiation. One curve is a Near-Effect such as the Sun's shading creating an umbra and penumbra. The other is Permanent-Effect, and it reaches right across the universe, and is responsible for the orbital velocity curves in particular, that you have discovered. If you are interested, you may see my complete work, JR Redbourne's General Theory of Universe Structure and Dynamics at http://ca.geocities.com/rayredbourne. Email to: rayredbourne@hotmail.com.
Name: | Ray Redbourne |
Email: | rayredbourne@hotmail.com |
At: | add41.city.hamilton.on.ca ( |
Tue Oct 23 09:46:03 PDT 2001 |
GREAT web page!
Name: | x |
Email: | x@x |
At: | ( |
Fri Oct 19 11:12:08 PDT 2001 |
i have a project due october 22, 2001 and i need info on what year she was born.
Name: | Rose |
Email: | Distyrbedmind90@.aol.com |
At: | spider-tf042.proxy.aol.com ( |
Fri Oct 19 08:35:48 PDT 2001 |
Name: | DIANA |
At: | spider-ti021.proxy.aol.com ( |
Fri Oct 19 07:17:23 PDT 2001 |
i like the site, it has the main information, but i think it would be nice if you had other links too..i cant find too much on Cauchois and its frustrating. otherwise keep up the good work!
Name: | paige |
Email: | beekini109@aol.com |
At: | spider-wq083.proxy.aol.com ( |
Thu Oct 11 17:53:11 PDT 2001 |
On all of the information read can you send a book report type format of it to the screenames give. We have a school project and we want to compare what you send us and what we did and see if there is something more possible that can be better. Thank you
Name: | Alishia |
Email: | SweetThang8787@aol.com |
At: | dhcp158-15-151-24.nt02-c3.cpe.charter-ne.com ( |
Wed Sep 19 13:02:24 PDT 2001 |
you all that set up the e-mail address of Emmy Noether didn't explane any thing about what she did or anything very important about her Thank you Cindy Hatfield
Name: | Cindy Hatfield |
Email: | loula_4ever@hotmail.com |
At: | sols137.eastky.net ( |
Wed Sep 12 13:20:17 PDT 2001 |
Your site has been most helpful to me, thank you. I am a freeland writer and have been writing a story for magazine publication on a woman in mathematics education. She has devised a system of educating very young children in algebraic thinking which has proven to dispel the dreaded "math anxieties" that have been prevalent in mathematics students for years. (particularly, girls) The subject of mathematics education was the original intent of the story; however, during the extensive interview, I found sub-stories with tremendous interest and value. This woman has taught all over the world and has found that the subject of mathematics in some of the third-world areas has become a political issue. This woman has gained the appreciation of her students in areas of South Africa where she has been dubbed "Miss Math". The story is rich in anecdotes as well as history and would lend an interesting article to your website. Let me know if you would be interested in perusing the article when it is finished. Susan Dziedzic Seraphim Creative seraphimsounds@aol.com
Name: | Susan Dziedzic |
Email: | seraphimsounds@aol.com |
At: | dhcp038-45-151-24.wl02-c5.cpe.charter-ne.com ( |
Mon Sep 10 07:16:20 PDT 2001 |
I would like to find all the articles that Henrietta Leavitt published. She is said to have 17 total. So far i have found only 8.
Name: | J. Garber |
Email: | jjgarber@aol.com |
At: | spider-mtc-th032.proxy.aol.com ( |
Sat Aug 25 16:01:03 PDT 2001 |
Your list of remarkable women physiciste is very interesting and inspiring. However I noticed that it concerns only women above a certain age (50-something). Of course there is nothing wrong with this criterium of choice (in addition to the excellent records of the people in your list). It would be good, however, to inspire younger women to become physicists, that also younger women physicists would enter your list. Sincerely yours, Marta Felcini Physicist Senior researcher - ETH Zuerich
Name: | Marta Felcini |
Email: | marta.felcini@cern.ch |
At: | rsl3eth12.cern.ch ( |
Tue Aug 21 04:55:35 PDT 2001 |
Hi, Is it o.k. if I use your logo (downloaded) to link to your page. My page is at http://www.pharmacy.umn.edu/outreach/StaffPicks/Ruthies_Picks.htm I'll be out of the office next week but will watch for your reply as soon as I return. Thanks much, Ruthie
Name: | Ruthie Granheim |
Email: | granheim@umn.edu |
At: | x94-102-60.ej1074.umn.edu ( |
Fri Aug 10 16:38:47 PDT 2001 |
Dear Sir or Madam: My daughter is a high school junior who loves physics, and is taking freshman physics and calculus at the local university. We are concerned here in upstate NY about those influences which seem to discourage young women from staying in physics, and we have been looking for useful information on how to prevent dropping out. If you can direct us to any sources, we would greatly appreciate it. We have already used materials from the American Association of University Women, but need material for older adolescent girls. Thank you for anything you can do. Lauren Ayers, Ph.D.
Name: | Lauren Ayers |
Email: | drlauren@nycap.rr.com |
At: | alb-66-24-212-224.nycap.rr.com ( |
Mon Jul 30 11:03:35 PDT 2001 |
this web-site really helped me with my homework, it was well illustrated and the information was excelent!
Name: | stacey |
Email: | golidlock13@hotmail.com |
At: | ( |
Mon Jul 30 04:00:46 PDT 2001 |
omission of mileva maric why?
Name: | i bland |
Email: | ingenium north york |
At: | ( |
Wed Jul 25 07:30:14 PDT 2001 |
I am trying to find O'Fallon family-links in the USA - and would be very interested in family link with O'FALLON?. I have researches the family-name back to the year A.D.702 -but links in the USA would be great value to my search. Your comments would most gratefully received. My very best ishes to your goodself. Bob O'Fallon e-mail:- robt.ofallon@cwctv.net
Name: | robert o'fallon |
Email: | robt.ofallon@cwctv.net |
At: | ( |
Wed Jul 18 09:34:04 PDT 2001 |
I have a background in physics, but found that as a woman I had trouble advancing beyond the MS level. I then switched to bioengineering and then medicine. While there is definitely still discrimination, I see the character as much more subtle.
Name: | Margaret |
Email: | mrwacker@pol.net |
At: | sdn-ar-001txepasp024.dialsprint.net ( |
Tue Jul 17 19:28:13 PDT 2001 |
It would be helpful to include a PDF version of Noether's Theorem so it can be more easily printed and read. The page-by-page graphics version is hard to work with.
Name: | John R. Wicks |
Email: | jwicks@northpark.edu |
At: | dsl-64-193-26-245.telocity.com ( |
Mon Jul 9 07:42:19 PDT 2001 |
I hold a BSc(Honors)in Physics with Astrophysics from the University of Sussex, UK and an MSc in Computational Physics from University of Salford Manchester, UK. I had the privilege of being a student of Prof. Tyler, he has supervised my dissertation on 'Experimental Evidences for the Existence of Dark Matter in the Universe'. Hence, I had opportunity of studying as numerous papers of Dr. Vera C. Rubin. With this memo I would like to express my admiration and respect for this scientist and woman. Sincerely Maria Christina Alexaki maria.christina.alexaki@accenture.com
Name: | Maria Christina Alexaki |
Email: | maria.christina.alexaki@accenture.com |
At: | 1954459196.accenture.com ( |
Sun Jun 24 10:55:47 PDT 2001 |
Please consider including some of these remarkable Japanese women. They have been shamefully ignored in their own country, where they had to overcome huge obstacles in their professional lives, and it is time the world recognized them. Toshiko Yuasa (1909-1980), nuclear physicist Fumiko Yonezawa (1938- ), theoretical physicist (amorphous solids, complex liquids) Mizuho Ishida (1943- ), geophysicist
Name: | Laurie Berman |
Email: | bermansekiguchi@earthlink.net |
At: | user-2ivekid.dialup.mindspring.com ( |
Tue Jun 19 18:38:06 PDT 2001 |
I have not seen names of women scientists from former Soviet Union. They mostly had no high administrative positions in their home institutes but I suppose there also was important scientific work done by women in the last century. I am from Latvia, now independent country but it belonged to SU for 50 years. Erna Karule University of Latvia Raina blvd. 19 LV-1586 RIGA LATVIA
Name: | Erna Karule |
Email: | karule@latnet.lv |
At: | ek.asi.lu.lv ( |
Tue Jun 19 01:45:06 PDT 2001 |
I was writing a report on Jocelyn Bell Burnell (i'm in the sixth grade) and I loved your site. I like how you put references, because I used a lot of those for information. Thank you.
Name: | Lucy |
Email: | LuLuLuLu@kissnotes.net |
At: | spider-tm024.proxy.aol.com ( |
Tue May 22 16:28:53 PDT 2001 |
I am a writer working on a children's book about Emmy Noether. Can you recommend a contact who can provide personal information about her and/or help translate her core findings for children? Thank you! Melissa Eskridge Slaymaker Knoxville, TN
Name: | Melissa E. Slaymaker |
Email: | MEedits@aol.com |
At: | spider-mtc-te012.proxy.aol.com ( |
Tue May 22 08:10:31 PDT 2001 |
i would like some good info an henrietta leavitt, im doing a school project and cant find any good info on her.i found this web site and thought i could finaly find info but there was not much. so if it wouldnt be to much trouble please send me some info on her. thank you robby
Name: | robby |
Email: | DrRobbio87@aol.com |
At: | ( |
Mon May 21 12:07:08 PDT 2001 |
The Nobel Prize in Physics should have gone to Chien-Shiung Wu for experimentally proving that parity is not conserved in nuclear beta decay. Unfortunately, two Chinese scientists who based their research on her work took the Nobel prize shortly after Wu made her discoveries. Kudos to the unacknowledged women geniuses of physics!
Name: | Jane |
Email: | janqb@hotmail.com |
At: | host116.209.244.236.gis.net ( |
Sun May 20 08:07:16 PDT 2001 |
I really like your web site. I am doing women physicists for a school project. Your web site has helped me so much. Thanks! Saffron
Name: | Saffron May |
Email: | kw.muth.com |
At: | ( |
Tue May 8 12:53:16 PDT 2001 |
Nina, Larry Byers suggested your site. This is much needed. Thanks for your effort. I tried to enter Kate Kirby at Harvard and Pat Dehmer, Director of Office of Energy Sciences at DOE. Both are at least as distinguished as Helen Quinn. The site would not take my information. Warmly, Jim McGuire Chair GFB of APS
Name: | Jim McGuire |
Email: | mcguire@tulane.edu |
At: | jim.phy.tulane.edu ( |
Thu Apr 26 14:28:19 PDT 2001 |
Hi Dear ser How can i interview about Ainshtain formula (E=MC^2)with E_Mail adress. regard you motamedy
Name: | motamedy |
Email: | motamedy2001@hotmail.com |
At: | ( |
Tue Apr 24 00:11:34 PDT 2001 |
please could you send me the detail reason of Rosalind Franklin's dead. i need it for my assignment. Thank
Name: | Mrs Falegan |
Email: | victorfalegan@aol.com |
At: | spider-wc014.proxy.aol.com ( |
Fri Apr 20 09:47:36 PDT 2001 |
My name is Chris and I would like to find out Sandra Moore Fabar's e-mail address so that I can contact her for a science project at school.
Name: | Chris Wood |
Email: | cdwood16@hotmail.com |
At: | litt-dial213.ncia.net ( |
Wed Apr 18 13:08:31 PDT 2001 |
I admire the picture of Mme. Curie at the top of your homepage. Is it available anywhere in poster format? Any help you can provide would be much appreciated. I hve been searching for a poster of her, or her family, for some time.
Name: | Pat Thiel |
Email: | thiel@ameslab.gov |
At: | chemdeo.chem.iastate.edu ( |
Mon Apr 16 16:56:44 PDT 2001 |
My suggestion is: You add a little more information about the work Dr. Chien Shiung Wu did with the atom bomb.
Name: | Samantha Spada |
Email: | kittenfourthree@AOL.com |
At: | spider-wd063.proxy.aol.com ( |
Tue Apr 10 19:25:58 PDT 2001 |
I am doing a report on Magda Galula Ericson and I was wondering if there was somewhere for me to find even more information on her. I would greatly appreciate your help if you could do me to do this. I would also like someone to get back to me with any possible information on her a.s.a.p.
Name: | Gabriella Palomino |
Email: | Angeliqueone23@aol.com |
At: | spider-mtc-tg041.proxy.aol.com ( |
Sat Apr 7 11:17:35 PDT 2001 |
E. Noether's Discovery of the Deep Connection Between Symmetries and Conservation Laws How delighted I am to find this material. I first noticed her as the only female on the old IBM Poster "Men of Modern Mathematics". I read of her discovery in Zee's "Fearful Symmetry", found short listings in "Whose Who in Science", and from these managed to give talks to physics students.
Name: | Gordon Riel |
Email: | rielgk@nswccd.navy.mil |
At: | fw2.dt.navy.mil ( |
Fri Apr 6 12:32:43 PDT 2001 |
Hi! My name is Deana and I am a senior at St. Joseph's Academy. I am doing a paper in Physics on the women of science. I would greatly appreciate it if you would be my female scientist for this project. If you will, all you have to do is answer these few question and e-mail them back to me before Thursday, April 11 because the project is due the 12. Here are the questions: 1-How did you become interested in science as a career? 2-What did you do to prepare yourself for this career(academic wise and personally)? 3-What do you find most interesting or fulfilling about your job? 4-How do you feel about science careers including obstacles, prejudices, and unique opportunities? If it is okay I would like to write a biography about your career thus far in science. Please feel free to add any personal information to the answers. Thank you so much. Even if you get this too late to answer me back, I would still like to hear from you. I have a new found respect for the women in science only after researching to find one. Thanks, Deana Losavio
Name: | Deana Losavio |
Email: | deana.losavio@n2mail.com |
At: | brdrmgr.sjabr.org ( |
Thu Apr 5 05:51:43 PDT 2001 |
Name: | 32121 |
Email: | trytyttrsy@tryeshthsht |
At: | ( |
Wed Apr 4 07:16:25 PDT 2001 |
Dear Mrs. Kivelson, I am a senior at St. Joseph's Academy in Baton Rouge,LA, and am currently working on a capstone project. I would greatly appreciate your help if you could email me as soon as possible with the following information: a. How did you become interested in science as a career b. What did you do to prepare yourself for this career (not just academics). c. What do you find most interesting or fulfilling about your job? d. How do you feel about women in science careers including obstacles, prejudices, and unique opportunities. Thank you for allowing me to take up some of your time. Sincerely, Katie Eckert
Name: | Katie Eckert |
Email: | lmccall@n2mail.com |
At: | brdrmgr.sjabr.org ( |
Tue Apr 3 05:45:30 PDT 2001 |
My son is researching information for a report and could use an explanation of Chien Shiungs accomplishments in regard to nuclear physics that a novice could understand.
Name: | M. Fessler |
Email: | mcfessler2 @ yahoo.com |
At: | host-45.subnet-66.med.umich.edu ( |
Thu Mar 29 08:59:57 PST 2001 |
I really love your work with giving the information. Please e- mail me at lavondadeadwiler@yahoo.com. Can you send me some free letarture of five women of science. If you have more than what you have on this website please send to lavondadeadwiler@yahoo.com.
Name: | LaVonda Deadwiler |
Email: | lavondadeadwiler |
At: | a010-1178.mle2.splitrock.net ( |
Mon Mar 26 15:43:46 PST 2001 |
Thank you for a comprehensive and user-friendly website. I have found everything I needed to do part of my research on women in science. I am an undergraduate mature student at the University of Glasgow at Crichton campus in Dumfries, Scotland.
Name: | Tina Worsey |
Email: | Tinajw@bigbluespot.com |
At: | sand.gla.ac.uk ( |
Tue Mar 20 02:25:51 PST 2001 |
Does Irene Curie have any children? Thank you,
Name: | Rachel |
Email: | tuesdayca@yahoo.ca |
At: | spc-isp-tor-uas-85-30.sprint.ca ( |
Sat Mar 17 08:55:09 PST 2001 |
At: | spider-we051.proxy.aol.com ( |
Mon Feb 26 23:09:25 PST 2001 |
I need to talk to a physic about visions and dreams that I have. Also need to know what they really mean.
Name: | Wanda Cherry |
Email: | wmcrac@hotmail.com |
At: | cache.blue.net ( |
Mon Feb 26 09:38:01 PST 2001 |
I am looking for a PHYSIC named Silvia Brown.
Name: | Wanda Cherry |
Email: | wmcrac@hotmail.com |
At: | cache.blue.net ( |
Mon Feb 26 09:15:40 PST 2001 |
You don't have that much information on the person that is easy to access. I'm doing a report on Henrietta Leavitt, and there's not much on this website that i can find easily. You should have something like ``Basic Information", or something like that. If i might find something a little easier if you told me, please do let me know. Yours truly- anonamou
Name: | anonamous |
Email: | brainless@surfmonkey.com |
At: | ppp-31.tr5.exit109.com ( |
Tue Feb 20 10:45:06 PST 2001 |
Name: | bob |
Email: | joevandal@msn.com |
At: | ( |
Wed Feb 14 10:58:00 PST 2001 |
In completing a biography for school on ROSALIND FRANKLIN, my daughter could not find what cemetery DR. FRANKLIN was laid to rest in. A minor point but if anyone knows, please forward information. Thank you. D. Farrell USA
Name: | Dennis Farrell |
Email: | Polaris4@USA.com |
At: | bht_rad-oncol5.cpmc.columbia.edu ( |
Wed Feb 14 03:54:03 PST 2001 |
Regarding the picture of Inge Lehmann at: Phase2/Lehmann,_Inge@81234567.html I am conducting photo research for a college oceanography textbook and the author would like to use this picture of Ms. Lehmann. Can you direct me to the source of the photo? Any help will be appreciated. You can call me at 800-866-8804.
Name: | Myrna Engler |
Email: | myrna@myrnaenglerphoto.com |
At: | spider-we063.proxy.aol.com ( |
Thu Feb 8 09:22:12 PST 2001 |
what did you invent i am looking for inportant stuff about you so i can do a project on you
Name: | cassia milligan |
Email: | cass@aisaonline.net.au |
At: | prx2.sa.schools.net.au ( |
Tue Feb 6 16:31:12 PST 2001 |
Last year, Margaret Kivelson was elected to the National Accademy of Sciences; you might want to add that to her list of honors.
Name: | Steven Kivelson |
Email: | stevek@physics.ucla.edu |
At: | stevek.physics.ucla.edu ( |
Thu Feb 1 17:21:37 PST 2001 |
This is an iteresting web site but you need to have more on her life than just her carrer. (life, feelings for her job, and etc) It has helped some, but students in the 7th grade need more info to complete this project. Also you need more pictures!!!
Name: | Kelly Mc |
Email: | N/A |
At: | ketsproxyn3.kde.state.ky.us ( |
Thu Feb 1 09:48:16 PST 2001 |
Dear Louise Dolan, Hi, my firend and I have been assigned a report in our 7th grade Science class. We have choosen you as our woman scientist since because we think you're very interesting. We have certain topics that we need to cover. Many of them we are not able to find. We would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to e-mail us about the certain things listed below. . . backround- where are you from(where did you grow up)? Do you have any sisters or brothers? Are you married? challenges-Did you have to face any challenges on your way to success? Thankyou, Christina and Carli from Chestnut Ridge Middle School(Washington Township New Jersey) Christina's e-mail- lovebug881@hotmail.com Carli's e-mail-roxybabe1688@aol.com
Name: | Christina and Carli |
Email: | lovebug881@hotmail.com |
At: | mes.wtps.org ( |
Tue Jan 30 07:21:29 PST 2001 |
It would be great if you had some information on the women's lives a bit beyond just their careers (i.e- where they were born, their childhood etc.) Thanks! -Elise
Name: | Elise |
Email: | Coolgurrl13@hotmail.com |
At: | ch3smc.bellglobal.com ( |
Sat Jan 27 11:10:58 PST 2001 |
This is a wonderful website. I have been writing an article on resistance to scientific innovation, and the traits and the conditions that tend to foster great scientists and great science. It includes a section on women in science. I hope to do a conference presentation on the subject in July. In my article I mention Rosalind Franklin, Candace Pert, Rachel Carson, Virginia Livingston-Wheeler and a number of other women. And I take the position I (in addition to other important traits and conditions)that healthy emotional expression, intuition, patience and humility, traits which it seems women on average exhibit to a greater degree than men, are very important characterists for generating great science. Despite the enormity of the task for the 20th century, I believe you should continue to add as many biographies of leading women scientists of the 20th century as you can. Yours is a very important project. Thanks for your fine work, Earl Staelin Aurora, Colorado
Name: | Earl H. Staelin |
Email: | estaelin@home.com |
At: | proxy4-external.denver1.co.home.com ( |
Sat Jan 20 16:59:12 PST 2001 |
My Mother, Dr. Elizabeth W. Reed, Wrote a softcover book "Women Scientist's Before the Civil War". Would you be interested in a complimentary copy?
Name: | William Reed |
Email: | Will@digitalnow.com |
At: | c764036-a.sttln1.wa.home.com ( |
Tue Jan 9 20:14:02 PST 2001 |
Hi,the reason I am reading about Helen Quinn is because I am doing a report on some scientists that have contributed to chemistry and for my report I need the date of the contributions and your webpage along with a lot others lack the date that Helen Quinn's contribution was noted. I know I will not be able to get the date in time, or at least not by this site but I would like you to be aware of that for people who might need this information in the future.
Name: | Robyn |
Email: | rd911sweetie@aol.com |
At: | spider-th023.proxy.aol.com ( |
Tue Jan 2 18:43:27 PST 2001 |
good sight. more photo
Name: | afsa |
Email: | fdsa |
At: | spider-mtc-ta071.proxy.aol.com ( |
Tue Jan 2 14:32:38 PST 2001 |
What were Patricia Elizabeth Cladis's accomplishments and how important is she?
Name: | Alexa |
Email: | oxnightxangelxo |
At: | spider-wg061.proxy.aol.com ( |
Thu Dec 28 19:09:38 PST 2000 |
This is an excellent source. Is there a similar site for chemists and chemists in education? I've been looking to compile a set of biographies of women in chemistry, but I haven't found much info yet that offers any real insight. k wilkinson Head of Department (Experimental Sciences) experimentalsciences@msn.com
Name: | k wilkinson |
Email: | experimentalsciences@msn.com |
At: | ppp115-lsk.coppernet.zm ( |
Tue Dec 26 05:33:36 PST 2000 |
We have noticed on your web site that you have photos of Hertha Ayrton and Rosalind Franklin. Can please you tell me the source of these images? We would like to use them as part of an exhibit we are doing on women in science in Europe. Thank you.
Name: | Prabha Shah |
Email: | p.shah@nmsi.ac.uk |
At: | ipone.nmsi.ac.uk ( |
Thu Dec 21 02:45:55 PST 2000 |
I would like to contact Kathleen Lonsdale's children with a view to a memory of her that I would like to have in our department. The National University of Ireland at Maynooth in County Kildare is situated only some 10 miles away from Newbridge and the places that Dame Kathleen Lonsdale would have known as a child. So it would seem very fitting that the department of chemistry should honour the memory of this Kildare woman
Name: | Professor Charles M. Quinn |
Email: | cmquinn@may.ie |
At: | pwch28.may.ie ( |
Fri Dec 15 01:58:13 PST 2000 |
Invitation to Physics Scholar Physics scholars are invited to ioin a discussion group to discuss the physics of basketball. All arguments must be mathematically supported. To join, send a blank e-mail to: PBPER-subscribe@egroups.com Sincerly, Arthur R. Linton, B.Sc. List Moderator
Name: | Arthur Linton |
Email: | arl1980@yahoo.com |
At: | ip222.miami41.fl.pub-ip.psi.net ( |
Tue Dec 12 23:13:59 PST 2000 |
why didn't you tell us what interested her in being a scientist
Name: | cant tell |
Email: | cant tell |
At: | ( |
Mon Dec 4 12:49:32 PST 2000 |
At: | spider-wi042.proxy.aol.com ( |
Wed Nov 29 21:41:50 PST 2000 |
At: | spider-wi042.proxy.aol.com ( |
Wed Nov 29 21:31:31 PST 2000 |
To Whom it may concern: Hello, my name is Lydia Johnson. I am a graphic artist for a small publishing company. We are currently publishing curriculum for alternative, charter and homeschool programs. One of the courses we are publishing is Integrated Physics and Chemistry. I would like to use some of the pictures of scientists and chemists in your image archive for our curriculum, to give students a chance to know the foundation-layers for modern chemistry. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to your response. You can contact me through lydia@pacworks.com Thank you and Happy Holidays.
Name: | Lydia Johnson |
Email: | lydia@pacworks.com |
At: | dialup72.our-town.com ( |
Wed Nov 29 14:21:58 PST 2000 |
You people need to put in some effort,do some research, and put some information on the web site. Yuo shouldn't even be able to have this set up. That's how much it bothers me.
Name: | Juliette Imhof |
Email: | SAVE THE GREEN@cs.com |
At: | spider-mtc-tc014.proxy.aol.com ( |
Sun Nov 26 10:04:11 PST 2000 |
they r really intelligent one.so i want 2 contect through internet.
Name: | subratsaurabh |
Email: | subratsaurabh@usa.net |
At: | ( |
Tue Nov 14 02:38:14 PST 2000 |
I would like to know more about the following contribution of Inge Lehmann, because I have not been able to find this contribution in any other sources, so I would be very please if somebody can answer me. The contribution is: "Discovered, at a depth of 220 km below the surface of the earth, the Lehmann discontinuity. If you would like I can send you what I have found about Inge Lehmann´s biography, but written in spanish language. Thank you very much. Teresa Nuño tepnuant@vc.ehu.es
Name: | Teresa Nuño Angós |
Email: | tepnuant@vc.ehu.es |
At: | lgux05.lg.ehu.es ( |
Mon Nov 6 11:58:21 PST 2000 |
I have a friend in Munich who just did her thesis in plasma physics. Outgoing, she is applying for job and is unsure what to expect. Just having taken a horse riding trip over Mongolia for 100 days, 2000 kilometers, she is quite independent, able, and "wonders" about a job in the "labatory". I am a real estate developer, know little of her trade, and yet find many interesting things available to her in her field. Anythig from space technology to pollution control, private to public, lots of things to do. Could you give me a source of job information, I will pass it along to her. Thank you!
Name: | clif judy |
Email: | clifjudy@mindspring.com |
At: | user-2ivfc3b.dialup.mindspring.com ( |
Sat Nov 4 19:30:04 PST 2000 |
is there a sight that has pictures of her birth certificate, death certificate, stamps, obituaries, journal writing as a teenager, commemorative poem, stamp or coin???
Name: | Marissa Bass |
Email: | Dmbass18@aol.com |
At: | ac8f5f5e.ipt.aol.com ( |
Sat Oct 28 11:21:54 PDT 2000 |
info. on the childhood and marital status of katherine burr blodgett. family life also ex. were she lived, husbands name, how many children.
Name: | danni |
Email: | dc2002@juno.com |
At: | bess-proxy05.esc11.tenet.edu ( |
Fri Oct 27 09:12:25 PDT 2000 |
I did not see a category for Atmospheric Science/Meteorology. If you ever decide to start one, the first entry should be Dr. Joanne Simpson, of course. See http://esdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/DIV-NEWS/POST.NAMES/jsimpson.html Also, in Atomic and Molecular Physics, you may want to consider Marilyn Jacox and Katharine Gebbie of the old National Bureau of Standards (now NIST), and Annie Henry of the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie.
Name: | Mary Ann Smith |
Email: | m.a.h.smith@larc.nasa.gov |
At: | webser03.larc.nasa.gov ( |
Thu Oct 26 11:29:10 PDT 2000 |
I would like to know more information about woman and their background with computers and why there were only a few computer woman around.
Name: | Axelina Bruce |
Email: | Student1304@bayfield-high.school.nz |
At: | akcf2.xtra.co.nz ( |
Wed Oct 25 13:45:02 PDT 2000 |
i just wanted to know harriet brooks professial skills and intrests thank you p.s. THis is for a school project asap
Name: | nk |
Email: | beanie_babie88@hotmail.com |
At: | d141-110-153.home.cgocable.net ( |
Mon Oct 23 14:57:18 PDT 2000 |
Is this true?: Hedy Lamarr The 1940's actress, invents a sophisticated and unique anti-jamming device for use against Nazi radar. The U.S. War Department rejected her design, years after her patent had expired, Sylvania adapts the design for a device that today speeds satellite communications around the world. Lamarr receives neither money, recogition nor credit! If so, would you include mention of this on your site?
Name: | Jim Jurena |
Email: | jjurena@pop500.gsfc.nasa.gov |
At: | sn-log.gsfc.nasa.gov ( |
Sat Oct 21 11:14:36 PDT 2000 |
I need to make a report on chien shiung wu. I am 12 years old. I cannot understand the homepage here. The words are much too hard for me to understand. I need to know how her work helped society. Is there a site someplace for my age group???
Name: | andrew |
Email: | gbk310@aol.com |
At: | spider-ti073.proxy.aol.com ( |
Thu Oct 19 11:47:29 PDT 2000 |
where is marie daly
Name: | fali |
Email: | www.bonusiac@aol.com |
At: | spider-wn011.proxy.aol.com ( |
Mon Oct 16 19:16:38 PDT 2000 |
I would like to find out more information on Hertha Sponer and her husband James Franck. You see, I married a Franck, and he is the great-grandson of Ignatz Franck, of Manheim-Baden, Germany. I would be most curious to discover if James Franck was related. No hopes of a fortune, just curious.
Name: | Candace Franck |
Email: | candace.franck@ wchs.net |
At: | ( |
Thu Oct 12 13:06:03 PDT 2000 |
A very interesting site. Keep up the good work. Compliments to Ben Johnson and colleagues..
Name: | jo mcglynn |
Email: | jo.mcglynn@eu.sony.com |
At: | gatekeeper.eu.sony.com ( |
Thu Oct 5 09:12:41 PDT 2000 |
It is a constant source of amazement to me how only americans are acknowledged AGAIN. There are other countries in the world, and the U.S. is positively stupid about all of this. Look at the TIMSS report for example. YOu ought to be ashamed only putting american women in this site.
Name: | xx |
Email: | xx |
At: | crtntx1-ar1-194-252.dsl.gtei.net ( |
Fri Sep 29 13:24:51 PDT 2000 |
I am doing a report on chien shiung wu. I need some information on her early life. I need to know how many siblings she had and who here parents were. Also if there were any significant people in her life.
Name: | Melissa |
Email: | smile@sc.rr.com |
At: | cae31-217-071.sc.rr.com ( |
Tue Sep 26 17:42:09 PDT 2000 |
she is positivly great!!!!!
Name: | mrs . p |
Email: | california |
At: | out-70-8.ops.org ( |
Thu Sep 21 12:16:56 PDT 2000 |
Please review Cecilia Jarlskog, of Lund University Stockholm, currently Public Relation Officer at CERN for contribution to particle physics. Perhaps you will find she should be on your pages. Regards, Anna
Name: | Anna Lipniacka |
Email: | anna.lipniacka@cern.ch |
At: | bubbla.physto.se ( |
Tue Sep 19 11:42:54 PDT 2000 |
I'm looking for the same type of information as Nina was looking for on Chien-Shiung Wu. Can you please help fill in her childhood. Thanks Much, Nick
Name: | Nick from Green Bay |
Email: | Allfarmin@aol.com |
At: | spider-mtc-tc021.proxy.aol.com ( |
Thu Sep 14 19:25:02 PDT 2000 |
I was wondering how I could find out more about Chien-Shiung Wu. I would like to more about her personal life such as her talents outside of her field, her childhood and so on. So, I would appreciate if you would notify me about different sources on the web to receive this information. Thank You, Nina
Name: | nina |
Email: | Franchizz20@aol.com |
At: | blackhole.ccsd.net ( |
Wed Sep 13 10:29:55 PDT 2000 |
Kindly, see our Streamlined Website for the Serious Scientists, Physicists, Engr.s, and Business Persons - 1) Magnets loose weight interestingly, 2) Real Proton and neutron ?, 3) Simulated Moon Landing, 4) Valuable information !!! 0) Valuable very interesting information and challenges for the Serious Physicists, Engr.s, Scientists, and Business Persons & kindly, pass on by downloading/e-mailing to others !!!, 1) Let's develop the Moon now !!!, 2) Magnets loose weight in the most interestingly when attached to each other !!!, 3) Plants may very well grow fantascically larger !!!, 4) A Professor at the Graduate Level Class was heard to say something like this : If you are man/woman enough you will accept the challenge ( The challenge was the test, because you had to think which is foreign to our educational system !!! ) - will you accept the challenges ??? 5) Real Proton and Neutron ?, 6) Simulated Moon Landing form the Moon Transfer System !!!, 7) Refer to Website :http://www.mindspring.com/~buzzie7/ and enjoy !!! Sincerely yours, Donald Ross, Graduate Engr.& Scientist Thank you and have agreat day !!! P.S. My effort produced the Identical Twin Rover to two different sites at the same time for 2003 to Mars ( Robo Twin Mars Project ) and now back to back Space Shuttle Lanches with safety in mind to complete the International Space Station in less time which demonstrates the power of parallel operations !!!
Name: | Donald Ross |
Email: | buzzie7@mindspring.com |
At: | user-33qtp7u.dialup.mindspring.com ( |
Tue Sep 12 11:19:14 PDT 2000 |
I was interested in the life of Henrietta Swan-Leavitt? ANy biographies available? She died relativly young! Thanks for for any pointers.
Name: | Da'nagasta |
Email: | Danagasta@jadeinc.com |
At: | rim03-cs1250i-ds1.col.jadeinc.net ( |
Tue Sep 5 17:53:21 PDT 2000 |
I enjoy the apod file and download many articles/images. For myself and my two grand daughters, I have created notebooks/files/diskettes of various astronomy subjects- and astronomers/scientists- and enjoy great women astronomers for them to use as possible beacon in their future and Henrietta Leavitt is of course an excellent example. I establish spread sheets on planets and stars and would like an address to get accurate magnitude data for them, if possible. Thanks.
Name: | Ed Reynolds |
Email: | Hubble73@aol.com |
At: | spider-tl023.proxy.aol.com ( |
Tue Sep 5 15:33:04 PDT 2000 |
Hi, I'm looking for a "one page" summary of contributions by women to physics. I post a weekly web page about interesting things in physics for my class, and I like to post such a page - maybe 5-10 paragraphs w/ picture. Any chance you can point me to such a page?
Name: | christopher watts |
Email: | watts@physics.auburn.edu |
At: | existential.physics.auburn.edu ( |
Fri Sep 1 08:40:15 PDT 2000 |
I am a high school physics teacher at the all-girls Catholic school, Padua Academy, in Wilmington, Delaware. I am thrilled to find your data base so I can use it to demonstrate to my 75 physics students this year that women certainly do have a place in physics and do make significant contributions. Most are aware of the Curies, but are not aware of any contributions since. This site will now become a regular in my teaching. Last year I had posted the posters from aip on 20th Century physics. This year I will now be able to include many more women physicist. Thank
Name: | William Miller |
Email: | Millwr3411@aol.com |
At: | proxy2-external.oaks1.pa.home.com ( |
Thu Aug 31 19:23:28 PDT 2000 |
this is just a helper, it would be nice to have all the information on each person in chronological order, as this may/may not help people, it would definitely help me. bye
Name: | Hasnain |
Email: | HM_imf1@hotmail.com |
At: | freedu-134-69.libertysurf.co.uk ( |
Thu Aug 31 14:31:53 PDT 2000 |
I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for having the biographical sketch of Sandra M Faber available in your database. My daughter, Alex Ann, was given the assignment of writing a biography on a scientist. Everybody else wrote about Newton and Einstien, she wanted to find a woman scientist. The biography of Ms. Faber was impressive, easy to read and interesting! It is great to have access to information about such wonderful role models for young women. If possible please extend our apprciation to Ms. Faber. Sincerely, Ross and Alex Ann Wright.
Name: | ross m wright |
Email: | rossmwright@aol.com |
At: | spider-th063.proxy.aol.com ( |
Tue Aug 29 20:43:15 PDT 2000 |
Where was she born? Im doing some research on her and would like to know the childrens names, how they died, and how she died. Whre and what kind of house she lived in, did she have any slaves? And anything else you care to share. Thanks so much. Dr. Terry Jackson
Name: | Terry Jackson |
Email: | JJack85057@aol.com |
At: | spider-mtc-ta054.proxy.aol.com ( |
Sun Aug 27 13:14:45 PDT 2000 |
I've got enough of Watson and Crick photos in my room and would love to have one of Rosalind Franklin. Are there any good sized, 8 1/2 x 11 or so photos somewhere?
Name: | Bob Kucer |
Email: | kucedog@mindspring.com |
At: | user-vcaun53.dsl.mindspring.com ( |
Sun Aug 20 10:51:27 PDT 2000 |
I am expanding a list of important scientists [primarily physicists] and their landmark contributions that I require my physics students to know. My final list at this point consists of 50 persons dating from Copernicus to Hawking. Your site has been very useful in locating information on women with valuable contributions. I have included six in my list of 50 : Marie Curie, Henrietta Leavitt, Lise Meitner, Emmy Noether, Inge Lehmann, and Maria Goeppert Mayer. Do you have any other names to recommend ? Also, can you tell me the correct pronounciation of Lise...lie-za or lee-sa ? I can find no information on the web on pronounciation for names...Encarta does a good job in some areas, but her name was not given. Thanks for your help. Charles McGlothlin; Wakefield School; The Plains, Virginia
Name: | Charles McGlothlin |
Email: | cmcgloth@wakefieldschool.com |
At: | ha04s121.d.shentel.net ( |
Fri Aug 18 04:57:42 PDT 2000 |
Dear Mam I am about to finish my University course in applied physics (BSc.H.) . I wish to continue my education. my BSc project was about ION SOURCE &MASS SPECTROMETER . Please let me know about relavent course in MSc & Phd and financial aid the university (that you know) can offer. Best regards Helia Jalili Email:helia@kosar.net
Email: | helia@kosar.net |
At: | ( |
Wed Aug 16 00:19:18 PDT 2000 |
Even now when women have full liberty to join any profession they still are way way behind men. So I think that it is very much obvious that the best job for a women is at home as suggested in Islam. In this way they will be able to contribute much more to the society than when they join any profession.
Name: | Saeed-ul-Hassan Khan |
Email: | saeeduhk@hotmail.com |
At: | blue.path.cam.ac.uk ( |
Sat Jul 22 14:17:17 PDT 2000 |
Biography-Lise Meitner Austrian Physcist
Name: | Sy Epstein |
Email: | Classicalsy@webtv.net |
At: | proxy-696.public.rwc.webtv.net ( |
Sat Jul 22 06:51:18 PDT 2000 |
[excuse me for my bad english] Suggestion : To do a citation for "Françoise Praderie" field : Astrophysic name : Praderie first name : Françoise date birth : about 1937-1940 education : Ecole Normale Sutérieure, Sèvres, France. job : Astronome titulaire de l'Obsevatoire de Pari publication (book) : (with professor Evry Schatzman) Les Etoiles. Paris : InterEditions/Editions du CNRS, 1990, 491 p. [Collection "Astrophysique") ISBN / 2-7296-0299-2 and 2-222-04023-X Adress for more informations : - Evry Schatzman, 74 rue Curial 75019 PARIS - Observatoire de Paris, 61 avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 PARIS. [service des relations extèrieures : 01 40 51 21 70]
Name: | Barran |
Email: | michel.barran@worldnet.fr |
At: | p14-076.province.worldnet.fr ( |
Fri Jul 14 01:37:11 PDT 2000 |
Link broken from Phase2/Curie,_Marie_Sklodowska@812345678.html at the bottom of the page there is a link to a brief biography that does not work.
Name: | Maureen Rymer |
Email: | mrymer@sdcoe.k12.ca.us |
At: | pat.suhsd.k12.ca.us ( |
Mon Jun 19 11:43:51 PDT 2000 |
I'm a young Korean female who majored in physics education back in univ. and am currently working on my MS degree in some engineering. Gee, you have done a spectacular job. If I had known these facts, I would surely have grown into a different person. South Korea is still a macho society, and most marginalized females -in my opinion- have suffered from some alienation in their science and technology professions. For there aren't so many role modles in science and engineering. (What a shame!) I have learned from my browsing through the Internet that there are still barriers-psychological/physical- in many aspects even in the US. I hope more and more young females choose their careers in those professions. Your job will go a long way toward that.
Name: | C.M.Lee |
Email: | sophia@geguri.kjist.ac.kr |
At: | ( |
Sat Jun 10 08:48:48 PDT 2000 |
Harriet Brooks Pitcher was a terrific women of Canada's past and she did a lot of things for her country. I am doing my history project on her and I wanted to find something interesting about her and when I started to find stuff and read about her she really seemed cool and I am glad that she was a Canadian! From:Amanda Tucker
Name: | webchic12 |
Email: | webchic12@hotmail.com |
At: | 1cust21.tnt3.windsor.on.da.uu.net ( |
Fri Jun 9 15:34:04 PDT 2000 |
Thank you for your page on Rosalind Franklin; do you have her complete date of birth, and birthplace? Thank you. Diana K Rosenberg
Name: | Diana K Rosenberg |
Email: | ye-stars@ix.netcom.com |
At: | nyf-ny-cache1.icg.net ( |
Sun May 28 22:20:25 PDT 2000 |
How about a section on women physics educators? they are among our best opportunities for producing a gender free or at least gender appreciative future generation pf scientist
Name: | r a mccord |
Email: | rmccord@asu.edu |
At: | cc107c04.inre.asu.edu ( |
Tue May 23 14:50:18 PDT 2000 |
I think Wu was a wonderful scientist and that she did some nice things for all of us in some kind of way. This imformation that I have imformed today is very good. I am very interseted on what she did and how.
Name: | Chauncey |
Email: | toot9693@aol.com |
At: | ( |
Wed May 10 06:36:25 PDT 2000 |
I would like to know more about why Caroline Herzenberg got into physics. What interested her in becoming a physicist and what does she think about women in physics. This info is for a high school physics project, so please reply as quickly as possible. Thank you
Name: | Jamie Brown |
Email: | dx80@yahoo.com |
At: | host13.bluemtn.org ( |
Fri May 5 07:56:46 PDT 2000 |
could you send me more info for a school project
Name: | Jamie Brown |
Email: | dx80@yahoo.com |
At: | host13.bluemtn.org ( |
Wed May 3 08:07:11 PDT 2000 |
Please make an biography or information on Rachel Carson. In our class we are making a report essay thing were we need alot of informtaion about her life. Collette Toscano e-mail address: kleo2424@yahoo.com Thank You
Name: | Collette Toscano |
Email: | kleo2424@yahoo.com |
At: | dialup- ( |
Tue Apr 25 18:04:32 PDT 2000 |
Where might I gather more information on Helen Megaw? I am a Megaw who is gathering genaological information on my family.
Name: | John A. Megaw |
Email: | jamegaw@hotmail.com |
At: | 1cust53.tnt7.cherry-hill.nj.da.uu.net ( |
Tue Apr 4 12:29:05 PDT 2000 |
Name: | mark stitt |
Email: | none |
At: | ( |
Tue Apr 4 07:44:11 PDT 2000 |
I am a web developer for the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundations' TeleScience project, and we are developing a site for high school teachers and students based on the history of molecular biology. I would like to link to your site's information about Rosalind Franklin. Please reply if this is acceptable. Tammy Patton Web Developer OMRF (405)271-7060 www.omrf.org
Name: | Tammy Patton |
Email: | pattont@omrf.ouhsc.edu |
At: | pcts02.ouhsc.edu ( |
Wed Mar 29 09:03:44 PST 2000 |
My name is Dr. Patsy Ann Johnson, and I am a professor at Slippery Rock Unversity in Pennsylvania. I am currently in the procees of creating my own homepage, and one section focuses on women scientists and mathematicians. I was wondering if I could have your permission to use your image of Maria Goeppert Mayer as a picture on my homepage that would link to a resource page. Along with the picture, I would also like to use your site address as a link on my resource page. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation! Dr. Patsy Ann Johnson
Name: | Dr. Patsy Ann Johnson |
Email: | patsy.johnson@sru.edu |
At: | ip253.mckay.sru.edu ( |
Tue Mar 28 10:57:12 PST 2000 |
try and add more womens names please
Name: | john |
Email: | Miestro1@aol.com |
At: | spider-to052.proxy.aol.com ( |
Sat Mar 25 17:28:30 PST 2000 |
Thank you for this wonderful gold mine of information. I searched many books only to find very little about Irene. I am more interested in knowing about her involvment in the development of xray, atomic research.
Name: | John |
Email: | vspms@ . |
At: | mail.wev.vic.gov.au ( |
Mon Mar 20 17:29:37 PST 2000 |
Dear Nina, I mentioned your website in an article I have just published in PhysicsWorld; hope you get some hits! Also in correspondence with a gentleman who is convinced of Mileva Einstein's role in SR, and also suspects a deeper role in PE effect. I suggested he write to you with his research - you may hear from him soon. -Gina Hamilton, USMaine
Name: | Gina Hamilton |
Email: | ginah@usm.maine.edu |
At: | rgallant-old.cas.usm.maine.edu ( |
Mon Mar 20 13:47:05 PST 2000 |
Can you send me more information about Sau Lan Wu
Name: | Chris Kawatsu |
Email: | chriskawatsu@mediaone.net |
At: | nic-c33-118.mw.mediaone.net ( |
Mon Mar 20 07:12:56 PST 2000 |
hi my name is sarah and i'n from melbourne, Australia. I'm a 12 year old student who is doing a project on Margaret Galland Kivelson. I was wondering if you could send me some more information on her background, like where she was born and her family details if that's ok. Your help would be greatly appreciated. If information is available please send it to "eternal_angel87@hotmail.com" by at least 8th of March 2000. Thank you very much. Yours Sincerely Sarah
Name: | Sarah |
Email: | eternal_angel87@hotmail.com |
At: | ( |
Tue Mar 7 01:25:50 PST 2000 |
Please tell me, Who was the female Asian-American experimental physicist who came to the U.S. as a teenager to study science and became "the world's foremost experimental physicist? Was it Chien Shiung Wo? Thank you, Jamie from Nevada
Name: | Jamie Hannah |
Email: | jha1010538 |
At: | spider-wb013.proxy.aol.com ( |
Sun Mar 5 22:27:50 PST 2000 |
Great site! Can you tell me when the Phase II Citation will be posted for Leona Woods Marshall Libby?
Name: | Willie Malone |
Email: | williem@iglobal.net |
At: | 207-43-172-210.iglobal.net ( |
Sat Mar 4 12:26:19 PST 2000 |
At: | spider-wc081.proxy.aol.com ( |
Sat Mar 4 07:05:13 PST 2000 |
Shouldn't Marie Curie be prominently displayed? She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and then to win a 2nd one. If it were not for her, her daughter would not have achieved anything in science, or wouldn't have even been here. I think it is odd, and very unfortunate that I had to type in her name to find her. I portray her in costume. See Georgia under costumed performers.
Name: | Nancy Engel |
Email: | nancyengel@mindspring.com |
At: | pool-209-138-129-126.atln.grid.net ( |
Thu Feb 24 07:50:39 PST 2000 |
I was wondering after all the information you have found out about Rosalind E. Franklin what would be your thoughts about how she did not get credit for what she did? Also why do you think she didn't get credit? I hope that someone in your department will answer this by 2-24-00or 2-25-00 because I have a project due and would like opinions of other people. Thank You
Name: | Michelle Woodard |
Email: | lvr316grl@united.net |
At: | unknown.infoave.net ( |
Wed Feb 23 15:16:02 PST 2000 |
Name: | Ian Rock |
Email: | IanRock@usa.net |
At: | ( |
Tue Feb 22 11:38:49 PST 2000 |
Dear Sir or Madame I am currently during research on women inventors and scientists for the National Inventors Hall of Fame. We are trying to establish some appropriate links for our women inductees. I am requesting permission to link your website to our web pages dealing with our women inductees. Thank you for all your help. Sincerely Jessica E Swartz Inventure Place, National Inventors Hall of Fame 221 S. Broadway Akron, OH 44308 330-849-6916 jswartz@invent.org
Name: | Jessica Swartz |
Email: | jswartz@invent.org |
At: | invent.neo.rr.com ( |
Tue Feb 22 09:42:46 PST 2000 |
My son is doing a report on Christine Darden, Ph.D.,, an aerospace engineer. Surprised to see that she wasn't included in your listing. Thanks, A disappointed Mom
Name: | Maria |
Email: | bzdmama@aol.com |
At: | spider-wd012.proxy.aol.com ( |
Mon Feb 21 16:51:22 PST 2000 |
Searching for a Linda Richardson who won a Nuffield exhibition in physics at Oxford University around 1960.
Name: | Jill Pick |
Email: | jpickpwf1@aol.com |
At: | spider-wc014.proxy.aol.com ( |
Mon Feb 21 13:03:14 PST 2000 |
Dear Sir or Madame I am currently doing research on women inventors and scientists for the National Inventors Hall of Fame. I would like to request permission to use your website as a link for the web pages concerning our women inductees. Thank you for all your help. Sincerely Jessica E Swartz Inventure Place, National Inventors Hall of Fame 221 S. Broadway Akron, OH 44308 330-849-6916 jswartz@invent.org
Name: | Jessica E Swartz |
Email: | jswartz@invent.org |
At: | invent.neo.rr.com ( |
Thu Feb 17 12:33:56 PST 2000 |
Give information on where you were born and where you died.
Name: | Curtis Godwin |
Email: | education.com |
At: | st-209-175-77-6.d70.k12.il.us ( |
Thu Feb 17 09:56:24 PST 2000 |
No questions, just two comments: a) Great site b) Especially appreciated autobiography of S. Faber as I am an undergrad (female) astronomy student with interest in radio- and extra-galactic astronomy who admires her work and career and have always been a little curiou about her personal life since I saw her on a (PBS, I think) television show w/ reference to the Seven Samurai. thanks again
Name: | TWilliams |
Email: | willia00@u.washington.edu |
At: | ( |
Tue Feb 8 23:16:57 PST 2000 |
Hello, I'm a college student and I have to do a report on an underrepresented scientist so I've choosen Rosalind Franklin. My report is to consume the following: 1. Dates of life/work 2. Educational experience in social context 3. Area of expertise 4. Contribution to science 5. Historical significance of work 6. How this work has affected me personally. However, I need to know her contribution in patient terms so I can figure out how her work is related to me. It would be so...great if you could e-mail me this information. Thank you so much Brandi
Name: | Brandi Branstetter |
Email: | lorbran@gte.net |
At: | 1cust150.tnt39.lax3.da.uu.net ( |
Tue Feb 8 17:17:31 PST 2000 |
We would like to involve your organization with the 14th Annual Texas State Science and Engineering Fair April 7-9, 2000 at the Austin Convention Center. We do not know who to directly contact so if you could respond or pass it on to someone more appropriate we would appreciate it. We really want to involve your organization with our fair. Please pass this message on to ANYONE interested in sponsoring or judging we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time, Terri Metzner Assistant Director Texas State Science and Engineering Fair Every spring the Texas State Science and Engineering Fair (TSSEF) welcomes to Austin the winners of 20 regional fairs from all over the state. Over 350 of the state's top junior high school students and over 400 of the state's top high school students bring projects to the fair. These students compete in 15 categories for awards, prestige, and the opportunity to meet and exchange idea with their peers from around the state. They learn to improve their project and exhibits through competition and the insights gained from quality judging by professional scientist and engineers. All of these students put great effort into creating professional, quality projects. Students who participate in science fairs from the school to the state level are creative, inventive, and eager to learn, and have the motivation, drive, and discipline to bring a long-term project to completion. They are the kind of future employees and leaders that continued progress demands. Detail Qualifying TSSEF accepts the top three projects from each of the 15 categories, and any project designated as grand prize or overall winners at the regional level. Grades 9 -12 compete at the Senior Division level and grades 6 - 8 compete at the Junior Division level (6th only if they compete against 7th and 8th grader at regional). Judging Scientist and engineers from universities, agencies, and companies judge the projects. Along with professionals, doctors, etc. Judges rank the project with numerical scores, but these are only used for the individual judge. To decide the winners in a category, all judges for the category rank the top projects through discussion and consensus. While these judges rank the project to decide the winners of the fair, emphasis is placed in constructive interaction with all students. Award TSSEF awards the top three projects in every category with a certificate and a trophy. The judges have the option of selecting honorable mention projects, which receive a certificate as well. The top two individual and the top team project are awarded grand prizes. TSSEF financially sponsors the three Grand Prize winning projects to compete at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Numerous specific special awards are also given by outside agencies, companies, and professional organizations and associations. Management TSSEF is run by the Texas Science Fair Organization (TSFO), a non-profit organization. Dr. Jack Turner, Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Texas - Austin, has been the fair's director since inception. TSSEF is now accepting monetary donations, in-kind contributions, and supply donations (notepads, pencils, calculators, etc. (with or without company logo on them for registration packets for the exhibitors) for the 2000 fair. (Contact information for TSSEF listed below.) TSSEF OFFICE: p. 512-471-4088 x.2 fax 512-471-9621 web page: http://master.ph.utexas.edu/tssef Email: tssef@physics.utexas.edu Contacting Terri Metzner - Assistant Director P. 512.833.7040 Pager 512.322.1503 Address: 1070 Mearns Meadow #412 Austin, TX 78758
Name: | Terri Metzner |
Email: | tmetzner@mail.utexas.edu |
At: | 209-30-242-137.flash.net ( |
Thu Feb 3 16:25:43 PST 2000 |
We noticed on your web site that you have photos of Mildred Dresselhaus, Rosalind Franklin and Helen T. Edwards. Can you tell me the source of these images? We would like to use them as part of an exhibit we are doing on women scientists. Thank you.
Name: | beverly wagner |
Email: | beverly@stark.tamu.edu |
At: | art4.tamu.edu ( |
Thu Jan 27 13:03:28 PST 2000 |
Comments made prior to January 26, 2000 in newcomm99.
Name: | byers |
Email: | byers@physics.ucla.edu |
At: | dialup1-5.physics.ucla.edu ( |
Wed Jan 26 09:27:07 PST 2000 |