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In Her Own Words . . .

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In her own words ...

Here are some quotes from famous scientists.

Photo of Emmy Noether
"My methods are really methods of working and thinking; this is why they have crept in everywhere anonymously."

Emmy Noether, 1931.

Photo of Harriet Brooks
"I think it is a duty I owe to my profession and to my sex to show that a woman has a right to the practice of her profession and cannot be condemned to abandon it merely because she marries."

Harriet Brooks , 1906.

Photo of Kathleen Lonsdale
"It seems to me that marriage and motherhood are at least as socially important as military service."

Kathleen Lonsdale, 1970.

Full text

Photo of Hertha Marks 
"An error that ascribes to a man what was actually the work of a woman ha more lives than a cat."

Hertha Marks Ayrton, 1912.

Photo of Inge Lehmann
"You should know how many incompetent men I had to compete with - in vain!"

Inge Lehmann

Photo of Bertha Jeffreys
"As I was brought up almost entirely by women, it did not occur to me that there was anything strange in wanting to become a mathematician or physicist."

Bertha Swirles, Lady Jeffreys.

Photo of C. S. Wu
"There is only one thing worse than coming home from the lab to a sink full of dirty dishes, and that is not going to the lab at all!"

Chien Shiung Wu

Photo of Helen Quinn
"It's really a lot of fun ..[doing physics].That's one reason to reach out to high school students. From what they get now, they'd never believe it was so interesting!"

Helen Quinn

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