Some Important Contributions:
Tatiana and Paul Ehrenfest's work on the foundations of statistical
mechanics and statistical thermodynamics was important to the development
of those fields.
"In 1911 the Ehrenfests gave an incisive analysi
of the conceptual and logical status of Boltzmann's efforts to explain
thermodynamics and irreversibility on a mechanical basis. In so doing they
made extensive use of the phase-space representation of mechanical systems -
the behavior of systems as expressed by the time a trajectory spends in
certain regions of the energy surface. They also clarified how conjectures about this behavior
translated into physical statements: the original ergodic theorem would
justify Boltzmann's procedure, while the quasi-ergodic theorem
(the statement that the trajectory comes arbitrarily near any point)
would not be sufficient to do so. ... {Their] analysis made crystal
clear that the introduction of suitable probability notions was esssential
for a consistent implementation of Boltzman's program." --- , [tcp1995lmp] p. 599.
She performed research on the modern foundations of statistical
mechanics. Of special interest to her were questions associated with the concepts of entropy
and the role of chance in
physical processes. Her specialty was the rigorous investigation of
fundamental issues. --- Professor Joseph Rudnick, UCLA
"Ehrenfest-Afanaseva took a professional interest in questions of
education, publishing a number of monographs and articles in German,
Russian, and Dutch that discussed such issues as axiomatization, randomnes
and entropy, geometrical intuition and physical reality, and teaching method.
...... her writings substantially enriched physics in the Netherlands."
--- Lewis Pyenson [1T N20]
Some Important Publications:
"Begriffliche Grundlagen der statistischen Auffassung in der
Mechanik" (with P. Ehrenfest)
, Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 4, part 32 (1911);
translation by Michael J. Moravcsik
published by
Cornell University Press (1959) as "The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics".
"On the Use of the Notion
in Physics," Am. J. of Phys. 26: 388 (1958).To read this article
click here.
Wiskunde: Didactische opstellen. Zutphen, 1960. (This
is a
164-page treatise on the teaching of mathematics; cf. [1T N20].)
Tatiana Afanaseva lived in
St. Petersburg before she married Ehrenfest. Then, in Russia, women were not
admitted to universities. There were, however,
special university-level institutions that allowed women
to take courses in engineering, medicine, and
teaching. She attended the
women's pedagogical school and the
Women's Curriculum which shadowed the imperial university. [1T N20]
Sources and references consulted:
Professor Robert Finkelstein and [1T N20], [tcp1995lmp], [pe1970mk]
Additional Information/Comments:
Regarding her impact on her husband's career, historian Martin Klein wrote the following:
"Paul Ehrenfest was not the kind of thinker who develops his ideas slowly in the solitude of his study. He had to talk
about them, to work them out by by discussing and arguing them with a critical and competent colleague, and
Tatyana was willing and able to play this role. Her quick and extraordinarily logical mind was a natural foil for hi
more inventive one, and her urge to probe to the very bottom of an idea was as deep as his own. Even when the
physical problems for which a theory was invented were not known to her, Tatyana Ehrenfest could sometime
strike directly to the nub of the matter and raise a question of logical structure that set her husband off on the right
track." [pe1970mk]
Ehrenfest-Afanaseva traveled to the University of Göttingen in 1902 where she met, and later married Paul Ehrenfest.
For the first few years of their marriage they lived in Germany and Austria and then settled in St. Petersburg, Russia, in
1907. Russian law forbade Jews and Christians to marrry, and since Tatiana was Russian-Orthodox and Paul was a Jew,
they could only live together legally by declaring that they did not have religion. [1T N20]
Later, when Einstein tried to appoint Paul to replace him in Prague, at the University's Institute of Physics, Paul faced
another religiously-related law. All universities in the Austro-Hungary Empire refused to appoint any professors who did
not have religious affiliations. Since Paul had announced that he did not have a religion, in order to live with Tatiana in
Russia, he could not suddenly announce that he was once again Jewish. Despite Einstein's recommendation that he declare
his religious affiliation again, Paul refused to do so and, thus, lost the opportunity to work in Prague. [pe1970mk]
Field Editor: Joseph Rudnick
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Original citer's name:
Martha Keyes
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