Important Contributions:
Discovered and isolated element 87, and studied it
properties. She named it francium.
Some Important Publications:
"Sur un element 87, derive de l'Actinium,"
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de al'Academie des Sciences, 208: 97 (1939).
"Francium: element 87,"
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France 18: 779 (1951).
"On the Descendents of Actinium K: 87Ac223,"
Journal de Physique et le Radium17: 545 (1956).
Officier of the Légion d'Honneur 1960
Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris 1960
Officer of the Légion d'Honneur 1960
Elected correspondante of the Académie des Sciences (Paris) 1962.
First woman to be elected to the Académie since its founding
in 1666.
Lavoisier Prize of the Académie des Sciences 1964
Silver Medal of the Société Chimique de France 1964
Commandeur of the Ordre National du Mérite 1974
1929-34 Personal assistant (preparateur) to Marie Curie, Institut du Radium.
1934-46 Radiochemist, Institut du Radium.
1946-49 Maitre de Recherches, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut du Radium.
1949- Professeur titulaire de la Chaire de Chimie Nucleaire, Universite de Strasbourg.
Doctorat des Sciences, Sorbonne 1946.
In 1949, she was appointed to the faculty of the Université of Strasbourg
and founded a laboratory for students and colleagues.
In 1958it became the Laboratiore de Chimie Nucléaire of the Centre de
Recherches Nucléaires; Perey served as Director.